Tantra is a very vast subject, which was formulated by Mahadev for betterment of Humanity. While there are many aspects of tantra which are for positive upliftment there is a part of tantra which is known as abhichaar karma , which is the negative side of tantra, In present times where lot of jealousy , competition, hate etc is there. Many of these tantra Kriya’s are used to give harmfull effects and to give negative effects on health wealth Life Etc. For ex – Maran mohan Uchatan Kriya etc. it requires deep understanding of tantra and understanding which kind of tantra is used on client and then do the necessarial procedures.
Nikhil Ji combines ramal Jyotish astrology, prashna jyotish and various other methods that he has specifically learnt from Himachal, Ujjain, Dhatia and Kashi etc to ascertain which kind of tantra is done on client, and then tell suitable remedy afterwards. For tantra removal not only the detail of client but whole family is required. If you are looking for tantra removal Puja, Kindly WhatsApp and Type Tantra removal Charges.
Please Note- This is not going to be a horoscope reading, and no other aspect except Tantra will be discussed.